
Our offer

What all our agency provides

Steps to buying your property

  • Showing and introducing the real estate (in photos) in the agency. Depending on clients’ interest, we take them to see the selected subject property.
  • In the case of customers interest in purchase, we show them complete documentation refering to the subject property.
  • When customer decides to purchase, we schedule contract signing with a public notary. After signing a contract, we deliver whole documentation to the Land Registry records, where they perform a registration of the purchased property and transfer it to the new owner.
  • Dealing with ownership transfer, (transfering bills for electricity, water, garbage etc. related to the subject property, from the first to the second owner)
Steps to buying your property

Unique services

  • We have introduced the possibility that potential buyers can, through our agency, order real estate according to their wishes, which we then look for especially for them.
  • We perform geodetic work services, drafting project documentation, opening private companies in Montenegro, we are also able to provide construction companies that can carry out construction from the foundation to the roof (turnkey) as well as maintenance and cleaning of apartments and entire residential buildings, as well we have cooperation with well-known brands (firms) that deal with interior and exterior.
Unique services

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Within the company, we have a legal service - lawyers who participate in concluding contracts and verifying the regularity of the documentation of all the properties that are in our offer, so that both buyers and sellers are fully legally protected.

The company operates under the slogan: "Finish serious work without worry!" and in order to justify our slogan and your trust, the team members who are employed by the agency are at your disposal 24 hours a day and are committed to performing their work flawlessly and to provide their clients with security and satisfaction in doing business with our agency.

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